Ford Mustang V6 and GT 2005-2014: How to Change Manual Transmission Fluid for 6-Speed

Manual transmission fluid acts like a film as the main shaft and counter-shaft gears spin. This reduces wear, heat, and keeps the components clean while driving. Periodically changing this fluid removes any dirt and metal material that's been circulating inside.

By Weston Chadwick - October 23, 2015
Contributors: yourmom6990

This article applies to the Ford Mustang V6 and GT (2005-2014).

The manual transmission fluid aids shifting by reducing friction between metal surfaces, such as shift forks, rails, and gears. It also reduces the wear that occurs as synchronizers slow down and speed up to generate a smooth shift. The fluid must be maintained at the proper level and clean to perform its job. Dirt inside the fluid can scar and scratch the metal surfaces, leading to a harsh shifting engagement.

Materials Needed

  • 8mm Allen wrench or socket
  • Hammer (if your using an Allen wrench)
  • Drain pan
  • Floor jack
  • Jack stands (x4)
  • Fluid transfer pump
  • 3 quarts of transmission fluid compatible with the MT-82
  • Rubber gloves
  • Safety glasses

You will need a fluid transfer pump, which can be purchased from

Royal Purple Synchromax is a commonly used fluid option for Mustang, and can also be purchased from Amazon.

Step 1 – Raise the front of the vehicle

The vehicle needs to be leveled or on a level surface for an accurate reading. Engage the emergency brake. Position the floor jack below one of the jacking points on the front of the vehicle. Once your desired height is achieved, place a jack stand as close to the jacking point as possible. Repeat this procedure for the other corners. Blocks of wood can be placed between the jack stands and body to reduce the chance of damage.

Figure 1. Jacking points.

Step 2 – Drain the transmission

Locate the fill and drain plugs on the passenger's side of the transmission. They are labeled in the casing. Remove the fill plug with an 8mm Allen wrench or socket. You may need a hammer to initially loosen the plug. Repeat the process for the drain plug. Make sure your drain pan is placed underneath. The transmission holds 2.7 quarts when full. Re-install the drain plug once all the fluid is removed.

Figure 2. The fill plug is in red and the drain plug is in blue.

Step 3 – Fill the transmission

Insert the outlet hose of your fluid pump into the transmission fill opening. You will be pumping 2.7 quarts into the transmission. The fluid level should be about a half an inch below the fill hole. You can use a paper clip to verify the level. Install the fill plug to finish the procedure.

Figure 3. Transfer the fluid into the transmission.

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